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South Australia Police Check:

National Criminal History Record Check Application Form
Background information regarding SA Police Checks is available – click here – fees could apply.
If you are a volunteer wishing to work with youth in conjunction with Energy Education Australia Inc (EEA), please use the following guidelines in your application.

  1. Applicants are encouraged to complete an online downloadable form (PD267) rather than a hardcopy form, and then attend a police station with the completed form and 100 Point Identification as per the current NPC process. See Categories A and B on page 2 of the downloaded application.
  2. Applicants are required to present original 100 Point ID documentation and a photocopy of these documents for certification and lodgement with the printed PD267 at your local Police Station.
  3. Once all documents have been verified at the Police Station, please submit all documentation to one of EEA’s Registered VOAN Members (e-mail info@energy.edu.au if unsure) who will complete the application and submit it to the SA Police Records Release Unit on your behalf. The role you take on with EEA will determine what Government fee, if any, is applicable.
  4. Once your application has been processed, you will receive notification direct to yourself from the SA Police Records Release Unit.
  5. You are required to show your National Criminal History Record Clearance to EEA’s Registered VOAN Member who completed your application. Failure to do so could lead to fees being charged.
    Energy Education Australia Inc. is required to keep records of all volunteers’ names and date of Police Clearances by law.

The above information was correct at time of update – 10th February 2010

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