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Rockets Away - simulation

Before you start you need to think about a few things. On this page are a few links that will help you fly your rocket to its highest point. You might not be a rocket man but you can with care soon conquer the challenges.

Consider the following points when launching your rocket

  1. What type of nose cone are you going to have?
  2. Where do you want the majority of the weight - forward, centre or at the rear?
  3. What type of fins are you going to use?
  4. Does the amount of water matter?
  5. Do you need more pressure, less or something around the middle of the range

To help improve each launch we suggest you download a pdf file where you can record the details you enterred for each launch - click here to access. The height you achieve will be given to you in feet. The best results will be 600 feet [aprox. 183 metres] or better.

Before you start, read the metric based information sheet for this exercise. .
The sheet and the simulator are courtesy of Ohio 4-H Development Program.

stimulator results

Now if you are ready - click here to launch your simulator. Good luck!

One last suggestion. We recommend you only change one variable each time you adjust your launch.

Key: oz stands for ounces - 28.35 grams = 1 oz | psi stands for pounds per square inch - metric unit is the Pascal - Pa.


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